Sunday, 2 October 2016

Tricking Ubuntu to boot on a Sony Vaio Pro 13

This is just a reminder to myself for the next time I install / update Ubuntu on my laptop that I need to do the following after installation, otherwise Ubuntu won't boot. Assumes that Secure Boot is disabled and using UEFI boot.

  1. Install Ubuntu
  2. Use the boot disk to load a live session (Try Ubuntu)
  3. Mount the EFI partition
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
    cd /mnt/EFI
  4. Create a Microsoft boot directory
    sudo mkdir -p Microsoft/Boot
  5. Copy the Ubuntu boot files into the Microsoft boot directory
    sudo cp -r ubuntu/* Microsoft/Boot/
  6. Create the boot file Microsoft wants (assumes not using Secure Boot)
    sudo cp Microfsoft/Boot/grubx64.efi Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
  7. Unmount partition
    sudo umount /mnt

Friday, 3 June 2016

Don't just assume arrays will be faster: how we implemented object pooling

Update (29/06/2016): As Mike Barker kindly pointed out, the array backed object pool was not pre-populating the array with objects so the benchmark was going through some extra logic. I've since updated the results and graphs with the array pre-populated, which hasn't greatly changed the results.

To ensure customers receive the best service possible at TransFICC we need to make sure that our systems have robust latency and throughput figures. A key part of avoiding latency spikes (in Java anyway) is to attempt to keep the Garbage Collector at bay. One way we attempt to do this is with the use of object pooling pattern to allow us to re-use objects.

We weren't sure what data structure would be best to back our object pool implementation so we decided to write a few benchmarks that utilise various data structures: stack, dequeue based stack, queue, and an array. The goal of these benchmarks was to see if any of the data structures allocate (e.g. if using a LinkedList, a node would be created everytime you added an object to the pool), and to see what the latency and throughput values would be.

The benchmark results for measuring throughput show that both of the deque backed object pools perform at a similar level for both of the scenarios we are testing (removing and adding a single object, removing and adding several objects), with our stack implementation having similar throughput for the removing and adding several objects scenario, taking into account the error.

What is more interesting is the graphing of the latency figures.

Both object pools that are backed by a deque have very similar latency profiles, which I was surprised at as I expected the the stack implementation to outperform on the remove one add one strategy as it would only be using a single object (the queue implementation will always be taking a different object from the front of the queue). The stack object pool does perform slightly better in the remove several add several scenario at one data point, but the difference isn't significant compared to the queue implementation.

What I found most surprising is the high variance in the array backed object pool. I assumed using a simple array would yield the best throughput and latency numbers, however this is not the case. I'm not sure if it's because of my implementation of the array object pool so will try another version if I have time.

In the end we opted to use an object pool using a stack backed by a deque based on our findings. I should point out that all our object pools are accessed from a single thread so are not required to be thread safe.

The benchmarks were run on a Fedora 23 box with 6 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz and 32GB RAM.

Benchmark code can be found here.


Benchmark                                                              Mode  Cnt   Score    Error   Units
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne                          thrpt   10  96.785 ±  0.076  ops/us
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate           thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁵             B/op
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.count                thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne                          thrpt   10  96.558 ±  0.614  ops/us
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate           thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁵             B/op
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.count                thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddOne                          thrpt   10  88.930 ±  0.065  ops/us
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate           thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁵             B/op
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.count                thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddOne                                  thrpt   10  16.276 ±  0.004  ops/us
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate                     thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddOne:·gc.count                          thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts

StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral                      thrpt   10  38.524 ±  0.012  ops/us
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate       thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.count            thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral                      thrpt   10  38.108 ±  0.255  ops/us
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate       thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.count            thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral                      thrpt   10  39.241 ±  1.179  ops/us
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate       thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate.norm  thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻⁴             B/op
StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.count            thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral                                thrpt   10   5.479 ±  0.036  ops/us
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate                 thrpt   10   0.002 ±  0.006  MB/sec
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.alloc.rate.norm            thrpt   10  ≈ 10⁻³             B/op
StackObjectPoolBenchmark.removeAndAddSeveral:·gc.count                      thrpt   10     ≈ 0           counts


Remove One Add One Scenario

Percentile   StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark   QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark   StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark   StackObjectPoolBenchmark

0                      0.558                                0.558                                   0.558                             0.558
50                     0.559                                0.559                                   0.559                             0.629
90                     0.629                                0.629                                   0.629                             0.629
95                     0.629                                0.629                                   0.629                             0.698
99                     0.629                                0.629                                   0.629                             0.699
99.9                   1.118                                1.118                                   1.118                             1.118
99.99                  10.88                                6.842                                   10.752                            10.964
99.999                 11.872                               11.792                                  11.872                            12.057
99.9999                17.991                               16.591                                  51.3                              43.027
100                    18.144                               17.92                                   58.56                              44.416
Mean                   0.588                                0.59                                    0.586                             0.628
Error (us/op)          0.001                                0.001                                   0.001                             0.001

Remove Several Add Several Scenario

Percentile    StackObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark    QueueObjectPoolUsingDequeBenchmark    StackObjectPoolUsingArrayBenchmark    StackObjectPoolBenchmark
0            0.558                                0.558                                   0.558                              0.698
50         0.628                                0.628                                   0.628                              0.768
90                         0.629                                0.629                                   0.629                              0.769
95                         0.629                                0.629                                   0.629                              0.769
99                         0.629                                0.629                                   0.629                              0.769
99.9                       1.118                                1.118                                   1.118                              1.258
99.99                      10.816                               6.6                                     10.816                             11.232
99.999                     12.006                               11.872                                  11.99                              12.312
99.9999                    14.389                               19.716                                  29.362                             67.966
100                        14.512                               22.4                                    35.712                             69.376
Mean                       0.603                                0.605                                   0.604                              0.746
Error (us/op)              0.001                                0.001                                   0.001                              0.001

Friday, 15 April 2016


My previous post mentioned that we are currently using Maven as our build system but looking at moving across to Buck. Well, there has been a slight change of plan and we've moved to using Gradle. The main reason we opted for Gradle over Buck is its integration with Intellij, which was some what of a pain point when I was working at LMAX.

Migrating from Gradle to Maven was super easy, and has allowed us to simplify the various tests we had defined; Maven becomes very complicated if you try and do anything beyond their defined build tasks, which was very annoying for us as we have multiple test definitions being unit tests and integration tests (dao, acceptance, benchmark, perf, compatibility.....). This had resulted in some serious hackery (note: completely my fault).

As an example, this is how we ran DAO tests in the Maven world:

And this is how we run them with Gradle:

Wrapper script:


Nice and simple!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Keep it Simple - Using a bootstrap script to wrap your build system

Do you know what's annoying when you start at a new company (or do a clean checkout of some code)? Getting your development environment set up; especially when it comes to making sure you have the right software in place to be able to build said code!

I'm sure there are lots of ways to solve these problems, but a simple solution we use at TransFICC is to use a bootstrap script that wraps our build system. This is called everytime you want to run something via the build system (in our case Maven [we haven't buck'd up]), and ensures all build dependencies are present. I should note that we only use this for build dependencies, not run time dependencies.

Our build dependencies are Java, Node (well, npm), Buck, and Maven. This script assumes the dependencies live at (e.g. the jdk is located at and the directory contained inside the tar.gz is jdk1.8.0_74). The checksums check for a change of dependencies rather than ensuring they are downloaded correctly.

This script could be used as follows.

./ compile